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Dark and Tender Workshop with Aaron Johnson

  • LANGSTON 104 17th Avenue South Seattle, WA, 98144 United States (map)

Join us for an experiential workshop easing into the practices introduced by The Chronically UnderTouched (CUT) Project in the short film Dark and Tender, to dismantle the Black Brute archetype and barriers for platonic closeness. We'll do some singing, co-writing, co-listening as on-ramps to what's possible in day-long or weekend Dark and Tender workshops. 

RSVP This event is free and open to the public.

About the Facilitator

Aaron Johnson (he/him) is a public speaker, facilitator, and touch activist, fostering environments where Black-bodied individuals can express their full selves. As a founder of Holistic Resistance, Grief to Action, and The Chronically UnderTouched (CUT) Project, Aaron takes the time to hold the stories of Black people around homophobia, transphobia, and internalized racism. Aaron's journey began, as it does for many Black men, with lack of loving and platonic touch. Now, Aaron assists other Black men in developing holistic touch practices to move from a Chronically UnderTouched state into touch balance. Aaron aims to create spaces for Black people and People of the Global Majority (PGM/BIPOC) to connect with each other and the earth. He and his team are establishing retreats and workshops on Black-tended land in the Mojave Desert and beyond to promote emotional and physical tenderness, platonic connection, and singing, which enhances the healing process for those overlooked by mainstream society.

LANGSTON strives to maintain a safe and welcoming environment for Black people and all races and ethnic backgrounds dedicated to cultivating an inclusive space. All genders, sexual orientations, and identities are respected. For this workshop, everyone is welcome, and Black masculine folks are centered. 

The Dark and Tender workshop is presented in partnership with the Seattle Black Film Festival and The Seattle Public Library with support from the Seattle Public Library Foundation and LANGSTON.

April 26

Dark and Tender: Aaron Johnson and Prentis Hemphill in Conversation

April 27

Dark and Tender at Seattle Black Film Festival