Dark and Tender: An Anthology | Volume 1

Dark and Tender: An Anthology | Volume 1

Dark and Tender: An Anthology | Volume 1 is a radical reclamation of Black male tenderness, intimacy, and connection. Through a striking collection of images and reflections, this anthology interrupts centuries of harmful narratives that have cast Black men as unfeeling, hypermasculine, or dangerous.

Expanding upon the Chronically UnderTouched (CUT) Project and Aaron Johnson’s powerful short film Dark and Tender, this book offers a visual and narrative archive of Black men embracing platonic touch—moments of care, vulnerability, and brotherhood that too often go unseen.

With submissions from Black men across the U.S., this volume weaves personal stories, photographs, and reflections into a collective testimony of healing. It is an invitation to witness, honor, and celebrate the transformative power of touch in Black male relationships.

Let your tenderness be seen.

Be a part of Dark and Tender: An Anthology | Volume 1.