UW Daily: Aaron Johnson’s ‘Dark and Tender’ new documentary challenges stereotypes by reclaiming tenderness
“I would like to bring … not just a counter [narrative], but a more accurate description of what Black bodies — and specifically here — Black masculine bodies can be, and actually are already in the world but rarely noticed and respected,” Johnson said.

On Platonic Male Relationships with Elwood Watson, PhD
There has been no shortage of articles and literature chronicling the supposed crisis in male relationships. Websites and publications such as Salon, Men’s Health, Psychology Today academic journals and other sorts of publications have written at length on the lack of real personal camaraderie and intimacy among American men.

The Seattle Medium on The CUT Project Short Film: a “Debut Film for Racial Healing Through Touch”
“It’s possible Black men can actually get together and let their guards down, and remove judgment and lean into those topics in a way that’s supportive, therapeutic, positive, inspirational,” Omega said. “I have never experienced that before.”